Dr. Theresa Züger
Head of AI & Society Lab and Public Interest AI Research Group
Theresa Züger is head of the Public Interest AI junior research group funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The group deals with the question of how AI can serve the common good and which technical and social criteria must be met for this. She is also head of the AI & Society Lab. The Lab was launched by HIIG in 2020 and is an inter- and transdisciplinary research laboratory at the interface between science, industry and civil society. Theresa's research focuses on the political dimensions of digital technologies and cultures, with a particular interest in questions of democratic theory.
About Public Interest AI
AI's use for societal benefit is emphasized in political strategies, global guidelines, funding initiatives, and corporate ventures. Yet, there remains uncertainty about effectively implementing and assessing how AI applications align with societal welfare. The "Public Interest AI" research group is actively shaping a practical understanding of how AI can serve the common good. Their aim is to define this alignment specifically for AI and test it through practical prototypes. This approach intends to establish a framework for evaluating how AI applications contribute to societal welfare. Ultimately, it seeks to significantly contribute to the ongoing AI development discussion in Europe and provide practical guidance for AI developers.
About AI & Society Lab
he AI & Society Lab explores how the integration of artificial intelligence impacts society, focusing on political, social, and cultural changes. It aims to enhance informed decision-making through academic work, workshops, and public events, striving to advocate for an inclusive, human rights-driven AI strategy in Europe. Its primary project currently is the junior research group on common-good-oriented AI.
Further information about the project AI Society Lab
Further information about Public Interest AI