A project by TUM and Hochschule München.

Review Analyzer Textual and Visual Data

Processing image and textual review data to provide product improvement suggestions with short- and long-term action plans.


Unlock circularity and avoid waste.

Imagify seeks to come up with product improvement suggestions based on customer feedback. Processing huge chunks of visual and textual data is a great challenge. A machine learning system that processes this information and recognizes common problems is vital. Support Imagify with a process that translates qualitative context information around photos into key-take-aways to help engineers and designers even more to minimize their time-efforts and maximize their ability to deduct actionable insights.


Sarah Sykora, Maria Ivanova, Verena Vogt, Samet Berk Oksuz, Zeynep Kocaahmet

Contact: ssykora@calpoly.edu

About the prototype

After going through different types of customer reviews, we came to identify 4 main categories of feedback: fatal defects, normal wear and tear, loved features, and improvement suggestions. Review timing, content, focus are all important elements that need to be analyzer at deeper levels. On the short-term, we came up with first a review analyzer that is made to learn and categorize these 4 types and classify reviews accordingly. Then, a chatbot that provides product improvement suggestion for product developers is built on top of that. The next step of our prototype is a plan to develop a visual analyzer that extracts the location of the features. Then a visual analyzer is put into action to associate location and categories. Hence, the product developer has the useful information from reviews at hand.


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    Example of the prototype

  • Credits: Photo by Diana Weidmann, Tobias Tullius/ unsplash; Illustrations by the students